
For the first time the Mahwah Republican County Committee members chose officers for the Township. They met at the office...


At the Board of Freeholders meeting Harry A. Stuart was elected County Clerk. He was nominated by HoHoKus Township Freeholder...


Representing Hohokus Township at the New Jersey State Democratic Convention were ex-Governor R. M. Price and A. G. Garroson. The...


Nomination night in Allendale was made memorable by the selection of a woman, Martha J. Parkhurst, as fusion candidate for...


The Democrats of Ramsey organized a Cleveland and Thurman Club. President Cleveland was involved in his second, unsuccessful, campaign for...


At the second of the four forums dealing with current affairs being sponsored at the home of Mrs. Marion Booth...


The Tennessee Legislature ratified the 19th amendment, guaranteeing women the right to vote. Tennessee is the 36th and decisive state...


A large crowd attended the banner raising ceremonies of the Mahwah Republican Club near the intersection of the Turnpike and...


The memory of the late Colonel Andrew Adelbert Andridge was honored in a sinister fashion by nearly 1,500 on a...


This day has been designed a National Day of Mourning to honor the late President Warren G. Harding who died...