This Day in History: 1957-03-08
Among four young women from the area who were graduated by the Flower-Fifth Avenue School of Nursing was Barbara Dromboski of Mahwah. Four of the girls were all graduates of Ramsey High School and all had gone together for the affiliation part of their training to a hospital in Middletown New York. The new Mahwah nurse was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Dombroski of 116 Christie Avenue. She had been an officer of the senior council in Ramsey. While at Flower-Fifth Avenue she was Secretary of the Student Council and President of her class for three years. The other local girls to be graduated were Carolyn Korbmacher, June Hindy and Peggy Doremus, all of Ramsey. An interesting sidelight to the graduation ceremonies was the presence of TV cameras. One of the graduates had been a successful contestant on the hit TV program “Name that Tune” just before the graduation.