This Day in History: 1956-01-29
The fiftieth anniversary of the founding of St. John’s Episcopal Church in Ramsey was celebrated by the dedication of the new parish house. The Rt. Rev. Benjamin M. Washburn, the Bishop of Newark unveiled the cornerstone of the new facility. The first scheduled use of the wing was scheduled for the following Sunday when all classes of the Sunday school could meet at a new time, 9:30, instead of having to meet in separate sessions because of lack of space. Prior to the unveiling the Rev. George R. Dawson, the rector of the parish, conducted evening prayer services. The sermon was delivered by Bishop Washburn. Two former rectors of the Church, read the lessons. The Rev. Raymond Masters, rector from 1918-1928 read the Old Testament lesson was read the Old Testament lesson was read by the Rev. P. R. Martin, rector from 1936 to 1946. Also present in the sanctuary was Mrs. Emily R. Cadman, the wife of another former rector and several pastors of churches in Ramsey and nearby towns. Music was provided by both the senior and junior choirs, under the direction of the organist Miss Nancy Craine of New York City. After the service the new facility was open for inspection. Present were the architect, John Marinaro of Ramsey and the builder Joseph Napolitano.