This Day in History: 1945-07-12
The Camp Shanks Sewing Brigade held a reunion. The group met for cocktails at Mrs. Stephen Bidd’s and then drove to the Out O’Bounds Country Club for luncheon. The place cards were replicas of the camp insignia and the centerpiece was a clever arrangement of the tools of their work, needles, scissors, buttons, discarded chevrons, and a pair of pajama pants, so often used as a quick change when uniform pants were being shortened or repaired. Talks were given by Mrs. Prentice Ash, Mrs. Howard MacPherson, and Mrs. Elliot Reid concerning the Red Cross operations and the future of Camp Shanks. The members all felt that they had made a contribution to the war effort by their work with the boys and only dared that their husbands and sons would find out that they had learned how to press pants. Ten ladies were present and they missed those who were A.W.O.L. for the occasion. (Bristow)