This Day in History: 1940-06-12
The Township Civic Association meeting at the Town Hall, voted to oppose the Bond Issue for a new Auditorium and Gym next to the Mahwah School. They reached this decision because they believed that with the war going on in Europe, the times were not right for the School District to assume so large a debt. The bond was to authorize $75,000 for the construction of a combined gymnasium and auditorium to the east of the Mahwah School, but some present at the meeting believed that the true cost would be closer to $90,000 when grading and equipment were added. Despite the opposition of several prominent citizens, including A. J. Winter, who said the town needed the facility and could afford it, the group voted to support the recommendation of their executive committee and reject the bond issue. On the 10th the Board of Education voted to hold the bond issue vote on June 24th between 8:00 and 10:00 PM. (Bristow)