This Day in History: 1935-06-19
Special services were held at the Reformed Church to mark the 50th anniversary of the Women’s Missionary Society. Mrs. E. F. Carpenter, one of the charter members read from the Scripture. Mrs. A. C. Dykema sang “He Shall Feed His Flock” from “Messiah” by Handel, and “Rest in the Lord” from Mendelssohn’s Elijah. Miss Winifred Woodward read a historical sketch “Fifty Years of Work” and Mrs. Havilah Smith spoke on “Fifty Years of Stewardship”. The Junior Choir sang Gounod’s “Lovely Appear” and led the music. Mrs. Martin DeWolfe, a returned missionary from India closed the service with a stirring address. The President of the Society was one of its Charter Members, Miss Rattie Winter. (Bristow)