This Day in History: 1916-07-30
George Chesterfield Billings, known as “Rattlesnake Chet” drowned in the Ramapo River while searching for turtles. He apparently had swam out in the river after a turtle and was swept under. His friends suspected nothing since he was so skilled a swimmer. Dr. C. P. DeYoe was summoned and pronounced him dead, but believes it was from some other cause than drowning. Interment was in Union Cemetery. He was about 39 years old. He and his brother appeared first in Hackensack with a hurdy gurdy about 25 years ago and seemed unmistakably Italian, he claimed sometimes to be an Indian from Rhode Island or a descendant of King Philip. He was a Deputy Game Warden for a number of years and was known as an authority on birds and animals. He had a reputation for honesty in his court testimony. He was particularly famed for his ability as a snake hunter and had challenged all comers to a snake contest at the upcoming Bergen County Fair in Ho-Ho-Kus. (Bristow)