This Day in History: 1910-06-22
Commencement exercises for the Hohokus Township schools were held in the lecture room of the Reformed Church. The full capacity of the room, 250, held about one half of those wishing to attend. Others had to remain outside. Tom Sergeant’s (Mahwah) Valedictory address, Winifred Mahoney’s (Darlington) Salutatory address, the duet by Mildred Dator and Edith Hopper, the recitation “Miss Tubbs at the Sewing Circle” by Ella Mabie, the class prophecy by Mary Kennedy, a piano solo by Laura DuBois and the class statistics by Anna Seabury were warmly applauded. In the absence of Board President Sergeant the diplomas were presented by Mr. Hendrickson, the Supervising Principal. He remarked that in one year the number of graduates had risen from 7 to 15. Nearly 10% had received scholarships. Daily attendance was up 73 from last year. He said that he had made 30 visits to Darlington, 24 to Masonicus, 21 to the Mountain, and 26 to Wyckoff and taught 38 days for absent teachers. This was the first commencement ever held in Mahwah. The address was given by the Rev. A. C. Dykema. (Bristow)